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My guest tonight is Andel Singh. discussing defence barrister negotiations

Andel has defended high profile cases and he will share some of the secrets barristers employ working for the criminal justice system with most defendants on legal aid.

More people in Bedford jail had requested Andel to be their defence barrister than anyone else.

This will be a fascinating session hearing from someone who has often worked inside the Old Bailey and had to negotiate with judges, juries, defendants, prosecutors and the police.

We don’t usually get to ask a barrister questions so send me any you have before tonight.

Here are some questions,

1 – Is everything a barrister has to do linked to negotiation?
2 – How can you defend someone who you know is guilty?
3 – What got you to legend status in Bedford jail?
4 – Did a judge really instruct you to read 21,000 pages over a weekend before a trial.
5 – What are your tips on speed reading?
6 – How do you “unhear” something?

Derek Arden